Expert Areas 2023

Please use our tool below or refer to the EED Recast correlation table to find and compare the new Articles and the 2018 EED equivalent. Fill in one of the drop down options to populate the tool and find the corresponding article and/or Expert Area.

Article conversion

 Expert AreaArt. EED2023
EA2Energy efficiency targetsArt. 4, Annex I
EA6Energy savings obligationArt. 8, Annex V
EA7MethodologiesArt. 8, Annex V
EA8Energy efficiency obligation schemesArt. 9
EA9Alternative measuresArt. 10
EA23Conversion factorsArt. 31
EA3Public sector targetArt. 5
EA4Public buildingsArt. 6
EA5Public procurementArt. 7, Annex IV, XIV
EA1Energy efficiency firstArt. 3
EA11Data centresArt. 12, Annex VII
EA12MeteringArt. 13, 14, 15
EA13Remote billing and readingArt. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Annex VIII, IX
EA14Basic contractual rightsArt. 21
EA19Transmission, transformation, distributionArt. 27, Annex XIII, XIV
EA10Energy management systems and auditsArt. 11, Annex VI
EA20Qualification, accreditation and certifications schemesArt. 28
EA21Energy services Art. 29
EA24EnPC requirementsAnnex XV
EA17Heating and cooling assessment and planningArt. 25, Annex II, III, X, XI, XII
EA18Heating and cooling supplyArt. 26
EA15Consumer information and partnershipsArt. 22, 23
EA16Energy povertyArt. 24
EA22National fund and financingArt. 30
EA25Link with Governance Regulation (NECP)
EA26Link with EPBC
EA27Link with Res